You may have seen these pics of Salma Hayek's nose job before but, I've included a couple more pics because it seems to me she may have had work done on her nose more than once. Check out this celeb's pics and see what you think. I'll post some pics of her boob job / implants, soon.
Thanks for the pictures..as i was planning for a rhinoplasty ,i was little scared how will it turn out..now i am happy about this..will soon go for a nose job.
Here nose looked waaaay better when before she had platic surgery.
Yes her nose i smaller BUT that doesnt meen it is prettier.
When her nose was normal it fittet much better than this to small nose for her face
Your first "Before" photo of Salma is flipped. You can tell by her eyes and eyebrow that the photo is a mirror image of what it should be. That makes a big difference, imo, as to what her nose used to actually look like.
It is interesting that so many ethnic women in holywood have their features cahnged to look more anglo-saxon.
Why did she change her nose? There was nothing wrong with it originally. It looked better before
hollwood females are nothing short of ego monsters that TRY to maintain there youth long after its gone. The plastic surgery just ehances this. Frankley they look like walking bundles of plastic and silcone and its funny most of them DONT HAVE A MAN A STEADY ONE ANYWAY.
The thing is that her new nose isn't anglo-saxon. These kinds of noses aren't strictly anglo-saxon, as people with this back ground usually have an elongated thin nose. The reason why women tend to be obsessed with having a small nose, like Angelina Jolie's and Salma's is because it's a mark of femininity. Without even realising it we instinctively know that the female of the species's features and stature is supposed to be smaller than the male of the species. When it comes down to it we are driven by instinct and hormones.
Looks like she went to Bruce Jenner's doctor for that last nose job. I think she looks best in the bottom right pic.
i dont like it and she's ugly, she's fake from head to toe, and tries so hard to look pretty all celebrities try so hard to look good but guss what ur all motherfuckers fake
She looks better before, at least before too many. The bottom left she looks gorgeous.
Sounds like some people on this page have some serious hatred toward ethnic women, celebrities, and plastic surgery. Granted, La Hayek did not need the last nose job, but by God she the epitome of beauty, determination, and intelligenc! Traits, I dare to say, the haters on this page lack! So go ahead Goddess Hayek and all the other women in show business who pioneer the way for accepting physicality that does not fall into the skinny, blonde haired, blue eyed mold! Ha! - to the haters, Choke on it! Viva la latina!
There are beauties in all ethnicities. Only those brainwashed by hollywood could think that anglo-saxons are the epitomy of beauty. Many anglo-saxons of different ethnicities (Polish, German, etc.) have bulbous noses.
Her nose job is beautiful. She has my favorite nose in Hollywood. Does anyone know who her surgeon is???? I think it is a work of art. These guys are sculptors.
I don't think she had that many if any nose jobs. Look carefully and those differences are the result of illumination and, specially in the last one, photoshop. I am not saying that you manipulated the picture but the magazines and advertisement agencies did. And Salma Photogenics change all the time she always moves from looking plain to gorgeous in a single movie from one scene to the other.
You couldn't tell that she really went through a nose job. There's only a slight difference between the "before and after" photos. Salma Hayek's rich and famous, she wish to look better for the public.
It is one of the right way to give a advertising of our product and we can show the result via this image. Which is showing us a different between earlier and present skin of nose and face.
nose job
It's a little hard to tell. Still, that's one good thing about plastic surgery. Small changes can be effective. It looks more natural so it doesn't break the symmetry of the body.
does anyone know who made her nose?
Where did she get her nose done?
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Slam Hayeks nose job is described here. Have a look at it
The post is giving information about Slama Hayeks nose jobs. Good post
Salma Hayeks nose job is described in the post here. Useful post
Thank you very much for sharing this information. I like this side. Its really a great article. So please give me some important information about this side.
Most white girls would've to get their nose chopped down to be the size. It looks unnatural to me. I could tell her nose was fake. She got boob implants, too.
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