Brad Pitt - The "Sexiest Man Alive" has not avoided the knife. Not sure when but, he's had the plastic surgery procedure called otoplasty, or ear pinning. Look at the pics above and you'll notice in the "before" pics his ears were more prominent. And, now they're much closer to his head and have a more "normal" shape to them.
I've never heard about this!
but he's wearing hats in the two before pics--of course his ears are going to stick out more with a hat on!
But, if you'll notice, the hats aren't pushing down on his ears.... at all.
I just watched one of his early movies "a river runs through it", and in this film his ears also look way different from now
The second picture obviously shows it's true. He's wearing like a cowboy hat, and it's angled. the hat is no way near his ears. and just generally looking at some of his very early photoshoots, he always always sported long hair cos his ears were just weird.
just goes to show EVERYONE in hollywood has had something done. dear lord.
Brat Pitt a great celebrity of Hollywood but he using plastic surgery yet. i didn't know that.
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Why do you all begrudge him for getting it done?
if he wanted to get it done well good on him. People do all sorts of stupid things to there bodies... tattoos, piercings, hair colouring, hair cuts, waxing...
Who really gives a shit if he got a few stitches in the back of his ears? get over it!
You can see he's had the surgery because he doesn't have the crease in the before pictures. That's what they do when the pin your ears, I had mine done a few weeks ago so I know.
But so what? You don't know why he did it, maybe his ears caused him pain, maybe they made him insecure. What does it matter, it's his choice, isn't it?
(Good pictures by the way, very clear!)
Brad ruined his looks by having those very cute ears pinned back. They're now strange - like dried apricots and he looks rather plain. Before he had a cuteness akin to a meerkat.
he obviously had something done..his jawline is a lot more defined, and I think he had something done to his cheeks, as well; the mid-section of his face looks "puffier".
And a brow lift, possibly. But who cares, right? Let's not be hypocrites. Nobody wants to turn on the TV and see a bunch of old hags.
I agree with Sean from Australia. Those ears fit with his face. Changing them took away a charming individual characteristic. Now... just bland.
Can you imagine Clark Gable getting and "ear job"??
Hey admin, very instructive blog post! Pleasee continue this wondrous work..
Kindly note...he had a hat on in both the 'before' photos and it appears his hair is tucked behind his ears. That would definitely make his ears stick out. Use a before photo without the hat and compare. Otherwise, I think you are just making things up.
It looks to me like he had a SMALL bit of work done on his nose as well!
ya i think his ears are cute but they also look good now
If your insecure about something then by all means get it done....who cares except the person getting the work done.
His ears were fine before. In a world of every shape size color IQ...he was good looking before and blessed by any measure.
The gets more pussy than a toilet seat so it doesnt matter anyway.
It's actually a pretty common procedure with little downtime.
The operation takes from 1½ to 2½ hours. Your head is wrapped in gauze for three days, and pain medication is prescribed but may not be necessary. You're encouraged to wear a headband or sweatband while sleeping. Bruising on your ears will fade about two weeks after surgery.
Here are some before and after pictures: http://www.locateadoc.com/pictures/ear-surgery-otoplasty
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Otoplasty can take many forms, such as bringing the ears closer to the head (often called ear pinning), reducing the size of very big ears
smita sharma
I have heard that he had his ears pinned (very obvious), but I also heard that he had work done on his nose as well. In his younger pics his nostrils were rather large.
Its sounds interesting to know about the brad pitt
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