Courtney Love - Looking at recent pics of Courtney, it seems she's had a little bit of everything. Her facial skin is looking tighter than before, she's obviously had a face lift. Her chin and jawline look very different. She may have had chin and jaw implants, making her jaw look more square. Also, you can tell she's had cheek implants put in, and an her eyes lifted. And, of course, her nose has been thinned, although the tip is looking a bit crooked. The "eye lift" lifted her brows but, her eyes look a little sleepy. Maybe she needs to add blepharoplasty to the list?
She looks so much prettier before surgery.
The "before" photo is after at least one nose job
She's trash; 'nuff said.
can't you see she's recovering in the right photo -after rhino your nose will be swollen for a good couple of months, at least. I think she'll look great once her face depuffs a bit.
Her nose is crooked in both photos. Her skin doesn't look 'tighter' at all. I think you are drunk and grasping at straws.
No amount of plastic surgery can help this woman.
She kinda looked like Britney Spears before! Hehe.. The changes on her nose are pretty obvious. Well, celebrities need changes. Those keep them famous!
She undergone more than limit and i think this is reason that she is not looking gorgeous as earlier
Her jawline is VERY VERY different, if you look at MUCH earlier photos. Find photos or video/youtube of her way back, like around the Andy Warhol era. Of course, the nose, the lips, cheek implants and so on. But seriously, if you get a look at her much younger jawline, you'll see that she looks radically different. Not judging -- just saying.
I'm really impressed with your writing skills as well as with the information about plastic surgery.
Most people believe that the most important aspect of achieving good results in Plastic surgery is the choice of SURGEON and not the procedure or any number of other considerations.
Thanks for sharing this.It feels like the right nose for my face - just a few little tweaks that gave me the exact results I wanted - "my nose but nicer". I don't have that horrible fear looking at pictures, hoping that someone has taken a picture from the right angle so that my nose doesn't look huge.
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