Scarlett Johansson - Here's a good before and after pic, she's in almost the exact same pose with the exact same smile. Her nose job is pretty obvious. Is it just me or has she had cheek implants, too? She's smiling the same but, in the after pic her cheeks are a lot more defined. Looks like a good cheek implant job to me.
I think it's just good makeup and a slimmer face.
I agree. I think in the first picture she was heavier then she lost some weight which brought out her cheek bones and made her nose look slimmer
yeah, i agree with the others...i think all you are seeing is a very young scarlett in too-white makeup compared with a little older of a girl with good makeup. also red lipstick always makes your nose look bigger.
I'm with you on the nose job- that's a touch obvious!! The cheek thing could just be makeup and a slimmer face- she's a few years older now too and the face tends to slim a little over time. Either way she looks great today and you'd never know. That nose looks really natural!
I want the name of HER surgeon!!
If you're going to compare surgery photos, try to use ones where said patient is around the same age in the pictures. Cheekbones always define themsleves with age as the baby fat covering them comes off. So no, that is not a plastic surgery pic but a pic of a kid who got older.
I agree she had a nose job. It's very obvious. No matter what when you grow up, your nose wouldn't become less bulbous. stop being so naive.
her nose doesn't look less bulbous to me, it has simply been photographed at a different angle and with better lighting, so the tip looks more defined. it sort of melts into the rest of her face in the "before" pic.
I have to agree with the first three who said it's possibly just good make up... and that she's grown up! Good make up and good lighting would have also helped.
In the first one she's mostly smiling with her upper lip, so it doesn't emphasize her cheeckbones as much as the regular smile in the second pic.
It's hard to pass of her slimmer looking nose as an illusion
Nose job for sure. She had an awful nose btw. about the cheek implants, it looks like that, fake cheeks... and cheap bitch
you dont loose weight of your nose...
As an undergrad I went to school with her twin brother, Hunter, and from personal experience, I'd conjecture that her nose looking thinner now is simply a byproduct of the senescent morphing of the face over time. In other words her brother's nose looks no different than her nose does now, and I doubt that he had a rhinoplasty to match his sister.
shes older; grew into her features and lost some baby fat.
get a life.
You people make me sick! you are so stupid. I have a bulbous nose and have always wanted to get it fixed but have not yet done it. No, my nose, which resembles her nose pre-surgery, has not suddenly gotten smaller. If only! Celebrities are so pathetic, they actually believe that the public is retarded which I guess some portions of it are, as exemplified by these comments.
I don't think she's had a nose job at all. Looks the exact same way in the before picture.
Definitely her nose was narrowed and has cheek implants and fillers. Cheeks are fake.
I dont think she had a nose job. She was very young in that picture and obviously still growing. Some parts of your face grow faster than others. For girls their cheek bones usually develop last, while their chins and noses develop first. This usually gives the appearance of a larger nose and chin. This is why many teens go through their "ugly duckling" stage towards the beginning to middle of puberty, and sometimes later. She obviously was developing. In her later years her cheekbones and forehead and other parts came in. You cannot judge if somebody had plastic surgery by taking a picture of them in their teens to on when they are adults. Faces develop during this period. My nose and chin looked much larger when I was younger, but now other parts of my face developed and everything else looks much more porportional relative to eachother.
Uh... Your nose doesn't get smaller as you get older, it only gets bigger. The cheeks can be an illusion from the makeup, but she DEFINITELY had a nose job. I can't believe some people think it just magically changed with age. If only my nose would get smaller with time :-/
Firstly -- Your features don't get bigger, true, but guess what? Your FACE does. All children have bigger eyes, nose, and lips. That's because we grow into our features as we become older. The photo used is an old photo of Scarlett. I wouldn't be surprised if she were barely 15. You guys need to use some common sense.
Secondly, it's called makeup contouring. Her makeup is a lot different, and people can use makeup to camouflage their faces, highlight their features, and plays their flaws down.
Thirdly, she's not even smiling the same in both photos. The first one she's holding back, her smile is almost a grimace, and in the second one she's smiling 100% -- so her cheeks look more defined.
I'm done.
Please, read a little bit more: scientish work show that nose and ears keep growing during our whole life.
My family have big noses and I can asure you that they have not been getting smaller as they've grown old! Luckily I have the nose of my parent family! no need for a nose job :P
clearly the first picture is closer up that's why her nose looks "bigger" but she was also younger and had a rounder nose as most do when they're younger, as for the cheeks i don't know !
She looks exactly the same. If you can't see that then you shouldn't be commenting.
I think you're just being godamn stupid.
In the first pic, her smile is sloping downwards, in the second, it is sloping upwards. What does that mean? Well, you look at yourself in the mirror and try imitate those smiles. What do you see? Yes, indeed, your cheeks are more evident when you smile!
And, her nose looks different; yeah sure. Lighting, age difference? Seriously, I don't think she'd have a nose job.
I know this post is really, really old . . . but I just came across it. My 5yo DD walked up and said, "Who are those people?"
Exactly, she looks very different.
Or she has a good makeup artist. Contouring is popular these days.
The nose looks EXACTLY the same except a little thinner...which by personal experience I know DOES happen as you get older. Luckily for Scarlett her's looks better and mine looks worse :( Her cheek bones I don't know about.
give her a break!
I had a small flat nose when i was a kid which became sharper and more defined as i grew up. it happens. and her weight loss explains the cheek bones.
I think her nose looks different because her hair is down. I noticed when my girlfriend wears her hair down her nose is really accentuated and looks big, yet when her hair is up it doesn't have that effect. So it's the same nose.
Make up, temperature or even something like an illness, can make your face get a diferent size, like looking more thinner or bigger depend of the case. so im really dont think she did
measure it on your screen, the nose is the exact same width.
some kind of contouring makeup and better lighting, that's all.
are you guys stupid or smth? loosing weight does not affect the size of one's nose! yes, it may affect cheeks but not the nose!
the first picture is of her when she's a teenager. News flash, teens SHOULDN'T have cheek bones. her cheek bones just make her nose look smaller now that she has them.
IDIOTS! She has had a nose job! If u didn't know human nose keeps growing through out the life and scarlets has gone smaller! Dumbasses! And she was very slim in the firts picture so it's not slimming down it's plastic surgery. Case closed.
She had a nose job.
Who cares if she's smiling upward or downward? It's actually QUITE obvious.
And I used to have a really flat nose, but now it's pointier and noticeably less flat, so no, noses do not shrink over time, they only get bigger.
Plus, it's quite obvious, don't you see?
You guys can just admit that she had a nose job, it's not like plastic surgery is a cardinal sin or anything.
my nose looks COMPLETELY different than it did in my late teens and early twenties...so much so that when showing some pictures to friends they were gobsmacked that i had NOT had a nose job. Noses DO get less bulbous at times depending on the person...in my case, i naturally have a very thin, somewhat prominent bridge and cartilidge, but when i was younger it didn't look it...when i got older and things started "settling" (38 years old right now, but it's been like this for years), it got thinner, the tip thinned too and dropped a bit, and the whole nose looks narrower. just the effects of gravity.
It definitely looks likes she has had a nose job (though, only slightly slimming,) but as far as cheek implants go...the jury is out. In the first pic she isn't smiling as broadly, which would make a difference in the fullness of the cheeks.
Wow I think that's a really good job. About the cheeks I think it's makeup.
Sorry she didn't have plastic surgery-- it's called having a really good makeup artist. Or else, why does her nose look more bulbous in this picture of her in Kuwait not too long ago? It's obvious she did her makeup herself in this pic:
Either way, she is still flippin' gorgeous to me!
You guys are not that observant. Obviously the first pic is photo-shopped. It's the exact same picture. Look carefully...same head position, smile, and oh yeah, the earrings! Hello people!!! The shirt doesn't even fit right and darker lips were added to the same smile! Don't be fooled by what the tabloids want you to believe. That's media for you!
She grew into her nose. It happens. Duh.
i dunno if she had surgery or not but earlier today i took two pictures literally an hour apart, one in my bathroom (with good lighting) and one with my computer and looking at them someone might say i had a nose job. i have no makeup on in either one:
the one difference is location and camera. in fact the second pic is taken before the first. there's no telling what make up and weight gain/loss could do.
i posted the above comment i meant that the first pic was taken before the second. (and i meant only instead of one)
Oh yeah...cause when people get nose jobs, their noses still look like this
She was in the Elle magazine recently. Notice how bulbous her nose still looks?
And look at how different her nose looks from another angle
Does this really look like plastic surgery?
her teeth are different
Obvious. She has done some work on her nose. Anyone disagreeing is just an idiot. That's it for now.
I don't think she's had work done. I think she was a kid with a little pudge in the first picture, and an adult with more slender lines in the second. I look at my photos from when I was in my late teens to early twenties, and the same thing is going on...my bridge and nose look wider, my cheeks are not defined. When I got older, all the sharpened up. If you had two photos to compare from within a year or two, that would be one thing. But I think this is a stretch. Obviously, Scarlett just grew up like the rest of us. and grew into her body/face.
it is so obvious-
YES it is a nosejob
YES something fake happened to her cheeks. That's not from smiling over her career! Also....Cheek muscles DIMINISH with age. I think the talk about those being cheek bones that come out later is rubbish.
Celebrities have a lot of nerve to deny what we can see.
Have you ever looked at a baby's head? A baby's head is about 1/3rd the portion of it's body. Humans are some of the only creatures with such large heads. This makes us the most intelligent creatures, but also is the cause of the most painful childbirths in the animal kingdom. As you grow, your body works hard to catch up to your head until you are an adult at which time the head is now about 1/8th of the height of your body. Your head stops growing earlier than the rest of you. By the time you were 10, your head was nearly full size. The only parts of your body that continue to grow as you age are your nose and ears. They are made of cartilage, not bone. This is science... All this to say that even if Scarlett is 10 in that picture, her face could not have grown enough to change the look of the size of her nose. Also, you can see that her eyes are the same size in proportion to her face in both pictures, further showing that the face has not grown. The cheekbones could have developed as her face thinned, but they usually don't to that extreme. They don't seem to match the original muscular structure in her younger photos.
Lets wake up and smell the coffee!! Many of Scarlett's relatives must be writing in, covering for her. Her nose is totally different- and a nose gets larger as you age. Yes, cheek implants since many women I know have always had defined cheeks. And yes, the boob job. Look at her nousey brown hair in Horse Whisper. Not is is "Marilyn Monroe platinum" blond. This vain woman is getting the most out of life!!!
theres no denying she had a nose job. that is something that doesnt change. altho cheeks can slim down when u get older so thats hard to tell
She had her nose contoured with makeup, relax. It DOES work wonders and is what most celebs do, esp Kim kardashian. A nose job is very obvious and it is not that easy to simply slim it down or else Ashley Tisdale would have done the same. YouTube how to contour your nose.
She may have used a nose magic or nasofix device. It does work to make the nose smaller and even change its shape a little. So she can say truthfully she didn't have a nose job.
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