Halle Berry says she's 'saddened' by other women's plastic surgery in search of beauty. Is she trying to say she hasn't had any plastic surgery? Or, is she just sad they didn't get good work? Maybe she can recommend her doctor(s).
"Personally, I'm really saddened by the way women mutilate their faces today in search of that (beauty)," said Berry, who won an Oscar for Monster's Ball. "There is this plastic, copycat look evolving and that's frightening to me. ... It's really insane and I feel sad that's what society is doing to women."
Are you SURE the one on rt bottom is her?? What's with the mile-high eyelids & upturned nose, not to mention PALER skin... Looks more like Michelle Pfeiffer!
In her defense, the B/W photo is distorted - has large pale circles or "O"s; text from the other side of a yearbook pg? (eye area)
In an interview Halle said she always "felt self-conscious" being bi-racial in HS. But she was a cheerleader (!) & stated it was just a "feeling". (Interview WAS at an age when women look back & see negative things like blaming our mothers etc., & I think everyonefeels "different" in HS!) She talked like she was over that though!!
She better not turn into a female Michael Jackson. He was a good looking guy before he... Nevermind, obvious issues there & I don't think Halle has them!
I do like the top left & lower left pics. Alright I'll shut up now :)
--Chatty Cathy
sorry, but she seems to be a damn hypocrit...
If she doesn't think straightening and dying her hair, and trimming her nose like that doesn't give an impression of her as trying to have a copycat look of a european supermodel she's stupid.
If she doesn't think straightening and dying her hair, and trimming her nose like that doesn't give an impression of her as trying to have a copycat look of a european supermodel she's stupid.
excuse me,
Edit: If she thinks**
This looks more like something from photoshop. Proberly some retoucher who didnt know where to stop.
Obviously she's gotten a nose job. She should shut up.
Halle's definitely had work done...her face was a LOT rounder when you google at her high school graduation picture and now Halle's face is definitely more oval-shaped and that can't be due to weight loss since she looks to be at the same weight she was at in high school.
Halle has had her nose, eyes, teeth, and cheeks done....
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